Marketing and a Mic
Marketing and a Mic
Social Media Platforms - Which Should You Advertise On? | Episode #80
If you’re a business looking to advertise but have no idea what social platform is right for you, this is your show.
We’re going to break down 3 of the top social media advertising platforms and share which is best for certain industries and some helpful best practices to create a lead-generating ad.
To watch the full video of this episode visit:
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Time Stamp Notes:
0:00 Welcome to Marketing and a Mic
1:16 Instagram Ads
1:57 Types of Industries for Instagram Ads
6:04 Instagram Advertising Best Practices
11:01 Types of Industries for Facebook Ads
17:37 Facebook Advertising Best Practices
21:00 Types of Industries for YouTube Ads
28:25 YouTube Advertising Best Practices
32:40 Recap & That's a Wrap!